
  1. Differences between programming environments and programming languages. Tools.
  2. Console and graphical user interface applications.
  3. Features of the Java programming language (compared to C++).
  4. The concept of data type. Arrays.
  5. Value types and reference types.
  6. Automatic garbage collection.
  7. Use of null.
  8. Concept of function. Formal and actual parameters.
  9. Call stack.
  10. Recursive functions.
  11. The concept of class. Classes and objects.
  12. Initialization of objects. Constructors.
  13. Using this reference.
  14. The concept of encapsulation and its implementation.
  15. Static fields and methods.
  16. The concept of inheritance.
  17. Polymorphism. Late binding. Abstract classes.
  18. The concept of an interface. Requirements for the class that implements the interface.
  19. Purpose of exception handling mechanism.
  20. The concept of generic programming.
  21. Working with collections.
  22. Disadvantages and benefits of linked lists.
  23. Associative arrays (maps).
  24. Function callback.
  25. Event-driven programming.
  26. Basic elements of a standardized user interface.
  27. Unified Modeling Language (UML).
  28. Use case diagrams.
  29. Class diagrams.
  30. Sequence diagrams.
  31. Activity diagram.
  32. Statechart diagram.
  33. Purpose and main benefits of XML-documents.
  34. General structure of XML-document.
  35. Elements of the Document Scheme.

