
  1. Give examples of system and application software.
  2. What are tools? Give examples of tools.
  3. What are the main features of console programs compared to graphical user interface applications?
  4. What is the difference between text and binary files?
  5. What determines the "level" of the programming language?
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of interpreters and compilers?
  7. What are the typical stages of processing the source text of the program?
  8. What is the process of debugging?
  9. What is a preprocessor? What preprocessor directives do you know? When are preprocessor directives executed?
  10. What is the difference between keywords (reserved) words and identifiers?
  11. What is the difference between signed and unsigned integers? What are the disadvantages and advantages of signed and unsigned integers?
  12. What is the difference between double and float types? What are the disadvantages and advantages of each of these types?
  13. What is the difference between declaring, defining, and initializing a variable?
  14. What is the header and body of a function?
  15. What's the difference between declaring and definition of a function?
  16. What is the difference between formal and actual parameters?
  17. When and why is the return statement used? How does its presence depend on the type of function?
  18. What is recursion? Give examples of the use of recursion. What are the disadvantages and advantages of recursion?
  19. What is a call stack?
  20. How is function names overloaded?
  21. How to describe and use the default parameters?
  22. What is a reference? Give examples of using references.
  23. What is the difference between the transfer of parameters by value and by reference?
  24. What is scope? What are scopes?
  25. What determines the lifecycle of an object?
  26. How is an array different from other data structures?
  27. What is a pointer? How is it described and initialized?
  28. How to place an object in free store? How to delete an object from free store?
  29. What are the advantages and disadvantages of locating arrays in free store?
  30. What is a pointer to function? What are pointers to function used for?
  31. What is a callback function?
  32. List the main components of the object-oriented paradigm.
  33. What is the concept of encapsulation?
  34. What are the visibility directives for class members?
  35. Define the concepts of constructor and destructor.
  36. What is the concept of inheritance?
  37. What is the concept of polymorphism?
  38. What is a virtual function?
  39. What is an abstract class?
  40. Define the concept of event-driven programming.

