
Test Questions

  1. What are fundamental principle and three basic concepts of OOP?
  2. What are packages used for in Java and how are they related to the file system?
  3. How are value types different from reference types in Java?
  4. What is a garbage collector and how does it work?
  5. What is Java class and what is it composed of?
  6. What is encapsulation and how is it implemented in Java?
  7. How are static class members different from non-static ones and when are they used?
  8. What is class inheritance for? What is the difference between multiple and single inheritance?
  9. The concept of polymorphism. How are the compile time polymorphism and the runtime polymorphism implemented?
  10. How to define virtual and abstract functions and how they differ?
  11. What is an interface and how is it different from an abstract class? How to implement the interface?
  12. What is a callback and how is it implemented in Java?
  13. What are lambda expressions and methods references and how are they used to implement functional interfaces?
  14. What is generic programming, what are its benefits and how is it implemented in Java?
  15. What is the difference between the array, the linked list, and the set?
  16. Why and how to use associative containers? How are associative containers organized?
  17. What is the purpose of throwing and handling exceptions?
  18. What are character streams and byte streams, and how do they relate to text and binary files?
  19. What is XML, what XML features, and how can XML be used?
  20. What is serialization?
  21. What is event-driven programming and how is it implemented in Java?
  22. What is a JavaFX library and what are its advantages over previous similar libraries?
  23. What is MVC?

